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Our Prices - Our Labour Charges, Fixed Fee Quotations & our "No Fix, No Fee" Promise

Hourly Rates

Our "No Fix, No Fee" Policy:


Firstly, we operate a no quibble, "no fix, no fee" policy. This means that if we visit you and cannot resolve your problem, you will not be asked to pay. If however, we ARE able to resolve your issue, but you do not wish us to do so for whatever reason, then the minimum hourly rate of £30 will still be payable to cover our call out costs.


Most Jobs are charged at our Standard Hourly Rates:


Many jobs can be resolved within a couple of hours, for which we charge by the hour as follows:


  • £30 for the first hour which includes call out. There is no additional call out charge but the minimum fee for any job will be £30, unless we encounter a "no fix, no fee" scenario.

  • £18 is then added for each additional hour, so a 2 hour job will come to £48, a 3 hour job, £66 etc. fee


Quotes Provided

Fixed Price Jobs or Jobs requiring a Quotation:


For discrete jobs longer than 4 hours (£84) or larger projects, we will happily provide a written quotation and agree a "Fixed Price for the Job" rather than charge by the hour. Also, certain tasks needing more than 1 hour but always less than 1 working day will be charged at special "Fixed Rates" e.g. Typically 2-3 hours for malware removal or 1 working day for a full "Windows system rebuild"."


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